Wider College Support

The college where I am doing placement has is a wide range of support for the students aside from academic support from tutors.

These resources are listed out on the website, shared in-person, and often displayed throughout the site on posters. A lot of information is up-front and easy to find, however some (e.g. financial support) is more difficult to locate without help.

Specific Programmes
  • NEETs
    • There are programmes for young people who are not, or at risk of not being, in education, employment, or training. 
    • Programmes include study opportunities, tasters, skills training, and support with applications.
  • HE Study Support
    • Flexible support specifically for students on Higher Education courses in college.
  • Attendance
    • There is a team who provide help with barriers that may be hindering students being able to attend lessons.
Enrichment and Wellbeing
  • Counselling
    • Free confidential counselling is available for students.
  • Events and Activities
    • Including charity events, awareness days, religious celebrations.
  • Faith Rooms
    • Spaces for prayer and quiet reflection.
Student Voice Opportunities
  • Student Union
    • Student-run committee.
    • Clubs and societies.
    • Union room for a recreational and working space.
  • Student Representatives
    • Opportunities for students to voice their opinions, needs, and feedback.
  • Job opportunities in the colleges
  • Careers advice
Academic Support
  • Drop-in Sessions
    • There are study support sessions on most days in the library that help students with English, Math, and Writing.
  • Study Support
    • There are support measures in the classroom for students with additional needs.
Safeguarding and Policies
  • Safeguarding Policies
    • There are safeguarding policies and procedures in place to ensure all staff are able to help students when needed.
  • Sexual Wellbeing
    • The Speak up Speak out campaign spreads information and awareness with students about topics like consent, stereotypes, abuse, respect, etc.
    • Specialist services are signposted e.g. The Mix, The Survivors Trust, RAINN, etc.
    • Students are able to contact the safeguarding team directly if they have any questions or concerns.
  • Security
    • Everyone on campus has a lanyard for identification (student, staff, visitor).
    • All visitors and contractors need to sign in and out of reception.
    • All entrances are locked with access via keycard.
  • Commenting System
    • There is an online commenting system for staff to make notes of any events or concerns regarding students, to keep a record and share information between staff in the college.
  • Computer Equipment
    • The college has partnerships with a couple of companies to provide payment plans to spread the cost of equipment.
  • Bursaries
    • There are bursaries available for students with financial barriers to help with things like travel, food, accommodation, etc.
    • The college offers help with filling out application forms for bursaries.
I have noted that it seems that tutors are one of the first points of contact in terms of support at college, either because the students have not come across these themselves yet, or because it acts as a nudge.

The college operates with a humanistic philosophy. It is beneficial that all staff are heavily trained and aware of not only the support available, but also the conditions and situations of students in order to accommodate their needs and signpost them to the help they can access.


  1. Great post Daria. I enjoyed the format you chose to describe the support available to your students, it was easy to read and to understand. You drew on learning theory to support the decisions made by your placement college which is a great demonstration of your understanding.

  2. Lovely reflection post Daria. I particularly like your style of writing, as it is both clear and engaging. You show a clear awareness of both the effect and purpose of your blog in supporting the learners at your placement- using terms such as "humanistic". Well Done,

  3. Wonderful reflection Daria. Best of Luck with your Placement.


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