Hello World


My name is Daria.

I'm many things, as most people are. I am an artist, a student, a sibling, a child, a partner, a young adult, a friend, a gamer, a home-chef, a plant-parent. 
What I hope to add to the list is teacher, tutor, mentor.

Shooting on a cold day by Weston-super-Mare

My background is in fine art. Specifically, exploring subjective reality through photography, film, and writing.
Subjective reality is the idea that reality is formed from what you experience and interpret. I won't go into it too much or we'll be here all day, but I've always been fascinated by inter- and intra- personal relationships, which has recently moved into looking at internal environments.

photographic artwork of child at seaside
That Summer We Went to the Seaside, 2023

This interest is self-centred and empathetic. It spans outwards.

An interest in sharing developed. I want to share many things, and a main thing is the tools and avenues for making informed decisions and realising creative ideas.

I feel small right now, diamond in the rough. I lack the experience and knowledge to stand tall and hold my ground. But I will blossom, and grow. I've embarked on this journey with the full intention of smoothing out some edges and settling my roots into the ground.

photo of postcards, one of a single forget-me-not and one of a cluster of nipplewort flowers
'Postcards to myself'


  1. so beautifully written daria!!! a great introduction to yourself, your interests and what you hope to achieve

  2. A pleasure reading! How do you think you will have grown by the end of the course?

  3. I loved reading this! It was a lovely introduction to you and your journey to where you are now!

  4. Fantastically written Daria! this is a great introduction to your teaching journey

  5. The blog is great, nice to know more about you.


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