End of an Era

This PGCE has been an immense journey of growth (shoutout to growth mindset!) both teaching-wise, academically, and personally. Thinking back to my first blog post, I mentioned the intention of smoothing out my edges and setting down some roots. Though at that point I had the image of a fully bloomed, giant tree in mind, I feel like the start of the cherry blossoms in spring, and that really feels like the best thing in the world.

It means that I've also grown to appreciate what goes into things like a PGCE and learning to teach- the difficulty, the mastery, the many facets of theories and life. I've learnt to accept and to keep going even when wanting to run off to live on a hill full of sheep.

I knew I would enjoy teaching, but I've come to love it. There's something so joyful about driving home and thinking about the funny things students have done and watching them grow and express love for what they're doing. 

While I have a ways to go on my journey as a teacher, my ability has improved and my understanding of how to nurture learning has as well. I've learnt a lot about the different types of people out in the world and the future generation of creative people. 

My ability to read and write has been challenged more than I anticipated, but also improved more than I thought it could.

It's been a true delight at placement and at university learning the ways pedagogy can be applied and watching my peers grow into fantastic teachers over the year. 

It makes me excited for the future :)

Photo: Hiroshi Tateishi/Dreamstime


  1. Great post Daria, it is lovely to read that you have grown so much as a person and a teacher since starting the PGCE and it has been a pleasure to grow alongside you

  2. From the blog and the way you have articulated yourself, it is clear how much you have developed as a teacher.


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