
End of an Era

This PGCE has been an immense journey of growth (shoutout to growth mindset!) both teaching-wise, academically, and personally. Thinking back to my first blog post, I mentioned the intention of smoothing out my edges and setting down some roots. Though at that point I had the image of a fully bloomed, giant tree in mind, I feel like the start of the cherry blossoms in spring, and that really feels like the best thing in the world. It means that I've also grown to appreciate what goes into things like a PGCE and learning to teach- the difficulty, the mastery, the many facets of theories and life. I've learnt to accept and to keep going even when wanting to run off to live on a hill full of sheep. I knew I would enjoy teaching, but I've come to love it. There's something so joyful about driving home and thinking about the funny things students have done and watching them grow and express love for what they're doing.  While I have a ways to go on my journey as a teache

Observation of Level 2

Usually, I teach level 3 creative practice but I am now observing and working with level 2 on occasion. It is interesting seeing the differences and similarities between the levels. The structure of the lessons and content are very similar in level 3 and 2, however the quantity and depth of work expected from the students in level 2 are a lot less than 3. For level 2 they mainly have to evidence that they have researched and experimented, whereas in level 3 they have to do about 4 times the amount of this, and have a greater depth of analysis. The approach the teachers have is largely similar in terms of teaching, but there is more hands-on assistance for the level 2s due to the students struggling to adjust to the requirements and expectations. Usually this manifests in the students asking more questions or for immediate assistance where in level 3 they would more often wait until their tutorial. It can be difficult in situ to determine how much difference to expect as a newer teacher

The DLO Experience

  Working online on Friday was a familiar beast, though having the DLO structure was new to me. It was a great way of experiencing guided independent learning and groupwork as it had very clear outset tasks.  However, in a way it was difficult to stay focused on these tasks without the explicit time limits and atmosphere of the classroom. I found this difficulty different to having independent  tasks like explicitly assessed and graded coursework assignments, perhaps because it was a new experience. Having some tasks as a group instilled a sense of urgency and responsibility in a more prominent manner than the individual tasks. It definitely helps as well that my group included people that would be very on top of it and communicative. I imagine this strategy would be slightly difficult in a setting where a majority of the students were less engaged, or where students were not able to form some sense of roles or structure themselves.  Using new tools without explicitly being taught to u

Wider College Support

The college where I am doing placement has is a wide range of support for the students aside from academic support from tutors. These resources are listed out on the website, shared in-person, and often displayed throughout the site on posters. A lot of information is up-front and easy to find, however some (e.g. financial support) is more difficult to locate without help. Specific Programmes NEETs There are programmes for young people who are not, or at risk of not being, in education, employment, or training.  Programmes include study opportunities, tasters, skills training, and support with applications. HE Study Support Flexible support specifically for students on Higher Education courses in college. Attendance There is a team who provide help with barriers that may be hindering students being able to attend lessons. Enrichment and Wellbeing Counselling Free confidential counselling is available for students. Events and Activities Including charity events, awareness days, religiou

Hello World

Hello, My name is Daria. I'm many things, as most people are. I am an artist, a student, a sibling, a child, a partner, a young adult, a friend, a gamer, a home-chef, a plant-parent.  What I hope to add to the list is teacher, tutor, mentor. Shooting on a cold day by Weston-super-Mare My background is in fine art. Specifically, exploring subjective reality through photography, film, and writing. Subjective reality is the idea that reality is formed from what you experience and interpret. I won't go into it too much or we'll be here all day, but I've always been fascinated by inter- and intra- personal relationships, which has recently moved into looking at internal environments. That Summer We Went to the Seaside, 2023 This interest is self-centred and empathetic. It spans outwards. An interest in sharing developed. I want to share many things, and a main thing is the tools and avenues for making informed decisions and realising creative ideas. I feel small right now, d