
Showing posts from February, 2024

Observation of Level 2

Usually, I teach level 3 creative practice but I am now observing and working with level 2 on occasion. It is interesting seeing the differences and similarities between the levels. The structure of the lessons and content are very similar in level 3 and 2, however the quantity and depth of work expected from the students in level 2 are a lot less than 3. For level 2 they mainly have to evidence that they have researched and experimented, whereas in level 3 they have to do about 4 times the amount of this, and have a greater depth of analysis. The approach the teachers have is largely similar in terms of teaching, but there is more hands-on assistance for the level 2s due to the students struggling to adjust to the requirements and expectations. Usually this manifests in the students asking more questions or for immediate assistance where in level 3 they would more often wait until their tutorial. It can be difficult in situ to determine how much difference to expect as a newer teacher